Lesson Attendance Sheet & Payment Tracker

FREE attendance and payment tracker for music teachersHow good are you at keeping track of your students’ tuition payments? How about their attendance?

I haven’t always been good at keeping track of tuition payments and attendance. I always think that I’ll be able to remember if I’ve been paid or not—and then I never can. I ended up teaching more than my promised 42 lessons this past school year due to bad record keeping. Oops.

It’s important for me to keep attendance records because I teach on a monthly tuition system. Some months I only teach two lessons per student. Some months I teach five, yet the parents pay the same for both. I need to be able to show my studio parents that over the course of the year, they get their promised number of lessons.

I’ve tried a few different methods for keeping track. I tried an app called Moosic Studio (no longer available). I didn’t love it for tracking attendance. I tried Joy Morin’s attendance tracker. I didn’t love it either. Too many wrong dates. Using the parts of those two attendance trackers that I did like (and a template from Excel), I made my own. Feel free to adapt it and use it. I just ask that you link back to my blog if you post it anywhere online.

Lesson Attendance Record Template

sample attendance record

Here is an example of how I fill it out. I write the date for any lessons that I teach. If a student cancels, I write “C”. If a student cancels within 24 hours of the lesson I mark it as a late cancellation (“LC”). I sometimes allow make-up lessons for those lessons that were cancelled well in advance.

I have a few every-other-week students. That’s why there are some dashes. Some students pay a semester at a time, so I fill in all the “$” boxes for the months they have paid for. The grey box shows that there aren’t five Thursdays in September this year.

I hope you find this helpful! If you’d like me to send you the actual Excel file so you can edit it more easily, just send me an email.


51 thoughts on “Lesson Attendance Sheet & Payment Tracker

  1. Reply
    Nancy Calkins - June 5, 2016

    Jessi, I would love a copy of your excel attendance tracker!

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - June 6, 2016

      Send me an email through my contact page and I’ll send the file right over!

    2. Reply
      Jocelyn Norris - July 9, 2019

      Jessi, is it possible for me to get a copy of this so I can give it to all my music teachers at school? My email address is jnorris@shoreschool.org. THANK YOU! :)

  2. Reply
    Michael - July 10, 2016


    Can you send me the excel attendance

  3. Reply
    Miaa Macadaan - September 1, 2016

    This is awesome! Can I also ask for an excel copy please?

  4. Reply
    Diana Colon - April 13, 2017

    Hi Ms. Vandagriff,
    Would you kindly email me an excel file of your “Attendance & payment tracker?” It looks great! Thank you!!

  5. Reply
    Merrilee McCain - August 6, 2017

    Thank you for offering this! I would like the excel file as well please.

  6. Reply
    A - October 16, 2017

    Hi there. Thank you so much for making this available. It will help us so much!

  7. Reply
    betty gavin - October 28, 2017

    Oh yes, may I get an email of the excel file? boopsloops@gmail.com

  8. Reply
    Shannon Flynn - December 27, 2017

    Thanks for sharing! Can I also receive a copy of the file, please? ShanFlynnMusic221@gmail.com.

  9. Reply
    Cat Griffin - January 20, 2018

    Really appreciate you offering to share this. I would love a copy of your excel file.
    Thank you.

  10. Reply
    Jacklyn Diffee - February 8, 2018

    This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Can I also receive a copy of this file?

  11. Reply
    Vanessa - February 11, 2018

    Hi! I’ve been looking for something like this- would you be able to send me a copy of the file? Thank you!

  12. Reply
    Ursula - April 18, 2018

    We would love to utilize this in our music store! If possible, please send to team@gorgecommunitymusic.com

  13. Reply
    Elvina Lyna - August 23, 2018

    I would like to have a copy of your excel file. Here is my email bibiewilson0993@gmail.com
    Thank you! :)

  14. Reply
    Stacy - August 29, 2018

    This is very nice. Do you have an updated one now or are you still using this file? I would love to get a copy of it. stacysimpson8@ymail.com

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - August 29, 2018

      I’m still using the main template. I don’t go to the trouble of blacking out extraneous days of the month. I just do it with a pencil as needed. Watch your email. I’ll be sending the template over. Enjoy!

  15. Reply
    Elaine Keener - September 4, 2018

    This looks great! Been trying to set up a lesson tracking system. Can you forward a copy of your file? Thank you very much.

  16. Reply
    Cynthia Denio - October 12, 2018

    Could you send me the excel file for this? thanks!

  17. Reply
    Jamie McCrum - November 8, 2018

    This looks great. Can you please send me the excel files also. Thank you!

  18. Reply
    Kingsley Chen - December 16, 2018

    Hi there, I am also having trouble in keeping track on my classes and I found info about yours. It looks great and would love to have a copy of it to have a try,

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - December 17, 2018

      I’ve emailed it. :)

  19. Reply
    Danny - December 26, 2018

    This looks great, thanks for sharing. Could I request a copy too please? Thanks!

  20. Reply
    Janis - December 31, 2018

    Is a copy of this still available? Thanks!

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - December 31, 2018

      I’ve emailed you. Thanks!

  21. Reply
    CHARLOTTE FOSTER - January 7, 2019

    Love the template! Could you send me over one please? andyncharlotte@yahoo.com

  22. Reply
    Lena - February 24, 2019

    Hi Jessi,

    This is wonderful, thank you for sharing! Can you please also send me an excel copy? Thanks so much!

  23. Reply
    Stephanie - September 12, 2019

    Hello! May I please have the excel version of this tracker? It looks great & easy to use :)

  24. Reply
    Nicholas Manno - October 9, 2019

    Hi Jessi,
    Could I please have a copy of this spreadsheet for my guitar teacher. He needs something like this. He is so busy he forgets who has paid and who hasn’t.



  25. Reply
    reena - January 27, 2020

    Hi Jessi,

    Can I have a copy of this please? My email address is reena_dosanjh@hotmail.com


  26. Reply
    Francesco bcker-Schiavo - August 12, 2020

    Hi! Could you please send me the template?

  27. Reply
    Yhasmin Valenzuela - September 15, 2020

    Hi, Could you please send me this great template? Thanks in advance!

  28. Reply
    Vera Vieira - September 28, 2020

    I’d love it, too.


  29. Reply
    Tony - January 29, 2021

    Hi, if this is still available, could you please send me a copy of your excel spreadsheet.

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - February 2, 2021

      I’ve sent it to your email. :)

  30. Reply
    Jennifer - February 16, 2021

    Hello–could I have a copy of the excel attendance tracker? Thanks so much :)

  31. Reply
    Maria - March 21, 2021

    Hi this attendance sheet is perfect for what I’m looking for. Please send me a copy to mariame2@aol.com. Thank you so much!

    1. Reply
      Allison - April 8, 2021

      Thank you for sharing your creative solution to a common problem. And I see it has stood the test of time…you originally posted some 5 years ago! I would be very grateful if i could receive a copy

  32. Reply
    Aisha Aharrar - August 8, 2021

    This really looks great and helpful. If there is no bother, I wish to have a copy of the excel sheet. This is my email, aishaharrar@gmail.com

  33. Reply
    natalie - January 7, 2022

    hello this really look helpful. Can please get a copy, my email address is kidsarehebest@yahoo.com

  34. Reply
    MARILYN SHEWAN - September 3, 2022

    Hello! This lesson tracker looks perfect for my situation. Please send a copy to mshewan12@gmail.com. Thank you!

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - October 4, 2022

      Sorry for the delay! I have emailed it to you. Enjoy!

  35. Reply
    Julio - October 4, 2022

    I would love to have a copy of the excel sheets my email is bettrmusik@gmail.com

  36. Reply
    Qi Yong - October 28, 2022

    Hi, This is good. I would like to have a copy of the excel file. Thanks you so much. My e-mail is qiyong12@gmail.com

  37. Reply
    Qi Yong - October 28, 2022

    Hi, Can I have a copy of the excel file too? Thanks you. My email is qiyong12@gmail.com

  38. Reply
    Raquel A Merritt - November 2, 2023

    Could I possibly get a copy of your attendance tracker too? Thanks!
    My email is raquelmerritt28@gmail.com

  39. Reply
    Cindy - December 11, 2023

    I would love a copy of the excel file! This looks great!

    1. Reply
      Jessi Vandagriff - January 15, 2024

      I’ve emailed it to you. Sorry for the delay!

  40. Reply
    Ray - February 6, 2024

    Hi! I am excited to use this for my private tutoring sessions. Please send it to me.

  41. Reply
    Will - May 10, 2024

    Hello Jessi Vandagriff,

    This is wonderful!

    May I get a copy of this as an excel file?

    My email is: williamwhittenmusic@gmail.com

    Thank you so much for considering,



  42. Reply
    Lee - June 1, 2024

    Could I get a copy of this excel file for the attendance tracker?


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