I use a printed assignment sheet with my students. I fill a new one out at each lesson and have the students save the old ones in a binder at home. It serves as a great reference for fingerings, exercises, and pieces they’ve worked on and/or performed.
I used to write down weekly assignments in a spiral notebook, but I have found that an assignment sheet works much better. It saves me time (all I have to do is highlight the assigned keys for scales and arpeggios on the circle of fifths!), it keeps me on track (no more forgetting about theory), and it is easy to follow for the students.

I get these sheets printed in bulk using my MTNA discount at Office Depot (2.5 cents per page). I print them double sided and have them three hole punched. I keep a large stack in my studio. Give them a try! I welcome your feedback.
These are great. Thanks for sharing!